Lost My Mum at 38 Weeks ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ’–

Abbey.... โค๏ธ Penelope + Baby Bump โค๏ธ

Itโ€™s taken me three years to get pregnant... five losses and corrective surgery on a uterine septum. Weโ€™ve been through so much and my mum was there every step of the way... she came to my appointments... prayed for me everyday, she was my best friend.

She started getting in just over a year ago, bouts of pneumonia, sepsis and bronchitis. It got so bad she spent a lot of time in hospital. She was so elated

when I told her I was pregnant after my surgery... itโ€™s all she spoke about.. she told everyone who would listen she was going to be a Nanna!!!!

Sheโ€™d tell me she was living and staying strong so she could hold her granddaughter and I had every hope ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

14.10.2019 - exactly 38 weeks into pregnancy god took my mum away.... her pain was no longer and I found her sleeping peacefully (beautiful infact) she left this world knowing her baby granddaughter was OK... im being induced on Saturday the 26th the day after we lay her to rest and I know she will be there with me!! My Baby girl will know everyday about her Nana and I will make sure of it!

I wanted to share my post for anyone who has lost anyone during pregnancy.... our babies are true blessings and the ones we love I beleive live on through them ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’“โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’–