
I can't even sometimes. Husband has been very "let me do this!" When it comes to chores. Which has been wonderful ❤️ though, I found out he's been wanting to do specific chores because he's trying to overall lower the cost to do these.

Laundry? It's so nice I don't have to bend (going in here in a couple weeks to get surgery done) but.. he loads the machine past the max, while putting the settings for small wash. I've been going CRAZY trying to figure out why some of our laundry was smelling. And only getting worse and worse. Thanks honey 💀👌🏻

Dishes? Doesnt do anything before putting them in the dishwasher. Barely will even run water on them. We have a cheap ass, old, dishwasher. (We live in apartments) and come to find out he only puts them on rinse cycle 💀💀💀 so they aren't getting ANY soap on them.

He's been helping for a few weeks and I think I'm going to have to tough it out and take over. I've talked to him about how to actually clean these things but he still does it his way because my way is "expensive"