1 nap a day?


I let my son determine his schedule, better for both of us as I don't stress about his naps as much as I used to and I let him sleep when he sleeps.

My son is almost 8 months old and STTN, has been doing so for months (I sleep trained him, thank god!).

He typically sleeps 7-7 or 7:30am.

He then nurses on one breast, we play and then he nurses on the other about 1 1/2 hours later as I wake up engorged still.

About 30-45 mins after that he then has some sort of breakfast (eggs, avocado, banana, cereal etc.) Whatever we have on hand.

He goes down for his first nap around 11 and sleeps for roughly 1-2 hours.

He then doesn't take another nap until maybe 3:45pm and it's a short cat nap. That's if he even takes the nap, it's a hit or miss.

Is this normal for him to put himself on a 1 nap schedule?

A lot of people tell me that since he sttn he doesn't need that much sleep during the day which I'm fine with, just super curious what you ladies think!