Ruined announcements... update


I just need a place to vent real quick about being PISSED that my mother in law ruined our pregnancy announcement. I understand that she is probably excited but I am SO mad right now that she told everyone that I’m pregnant when I specifically told her that I wasn’t announcing to ANYONE else other than to her and my husband’s boss so he could go to my appointments with me until we were passed the 12 week mark. I have a subchorionic hematoma and a history of miscarriage and am terrified to make an announcement that I would then have to say oh... jk. How is that so hard to understand?? And it’s not her fucking news. It’s ours! I specifically told her NOT to tell anyone. It’s not like I forgot to mention it and now I’m mad, no. I told her not to. And now my sister in law is pissed at us because she was the last to find out now. Like. Seriously! I’m so damn mad right now. Maybe it’s the hormones here but UGHHHH!!!!!

Thanks so much you guys. I was seriously upset to the point of angry tears today and you guys really helped!

I ended up just saying screw it and sent an announcement to the rest of the family, including the ones she had already told and her as well. I had planned on making like Shutterfly cards with the announcement pictures we took and sending them via snail mail but I told my husband what happened and we both decided we will still do this and let it be a surprise for our friends still. I sent the announcement picture we took in a group text. After the picture I added “sending a bit early so everyone finds out at the same time- don’t want the surprise ruined 😊” my mother in law’s reply after a few congratulations was literally this, “I totally forgot that no one else knew yet. Now I don’t have to keep it a secret anymore.” 😑 I swear this woman is lucky to be three states away right now.

Thank you for your patience and kindness if you have made it this far! 😂