Struggling :/


My family has had a very long line of mental illnesses. When I was younger, I suffered from extreme separation anxiety to the point in which I didn’t sleep for 3 days straight and would refuse to do anything but cry and message one of my parents while they were on a business trip. Luckily after about a year and a half to 2 years of therapy, I was able to recover from this. Shortly after I recovered, I started seeking help again when I fell into a very deep anxiety and some depression. I was able to improve my situation with a lot of hard work with self improvement and help from others. For a while, my life was going great and everything felt on track. However, around early August of this year, I’ve become depressed. Not only this, but I’ve become very obsessed over my body. My brothers are all very skinny and are pretty attractive and popular. The way the women in my family’s genetics worked out, I weigh heavier then average and I’m overweight. Within the past 2-3 months, I’ve become obsessed with my appearance. I’m teased at school, and feel very uncomfortable around others. I also feel very curvy for my age, which I’m really upset with. I feel extremely busty, and I hate it to the point in which I have to force myself not to wear the same outfit that confines me most constantly. I also recently entered a relationship, and they make me so happy and are perfect to me. But, I’ve been feeling very disconnected. I feel as if I don’t do enough and that others think I’m disengaged and that I don’t care. I work out regularly, eat healthy, and spend time with family- but I’m still struggling a lot. I’m having a tough time managing everything with school and other things as well. It feels almost helpless, and I don’t know what to do.