We have lost a fellow soldier

No he is not a baby or a “child” per say. But he was only 22..

My town May have a bad reputation.. But to see our community come together and welcome home our fallen soldier is amazing.. To see all flags up, people standing out on the route he was brought home, to see all the bikes, flags down.. Signs you name it.. Today I realized, we are a great community. We are there to support someone even if we did not know that person personally.. We are there..

We have given him the greatest home coming and I pray for his family n friends. Our community has lost a great man.. A great soldier.. A great husband. Son. Brother. And etc.. He will forever be remembered..

Rip Cole Walker. Hang your boots up with pride young man.. For your life may have been cut short by a tragic accident along with 2 other men.. But you have impacted many with your presence.. You are very loved.. And will be dearly missed by many.

Please, For Those who do believe in prayer.. Please say a prayer for his family.. his friends..

I’m very sorry if this is not allowed here.. Just need the support I guess.