Last/Only baby?

Devon - 💙 3 Sweet Boys 💕 Baby Girl Feb 2021💕

My son will be 4 months old this weekend, and my whole pregnancy I swore I would have one more baby, making that baby #4 and then we would close up shop & be done.

Well, my middle son was the dream baby. From birth he ate well, slept well, he was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old. It was easy to imagine the idea of having another beautiful little baby to add to our family. My youngest, who will be 4 months old Saturday, is not the easiest baby. He still wakes 1-2 times a night for a feeding no matter what I try, won't take a bottle but once a day (dream feed at 10:30pm) and will not take a pacifier to save his life. He loves mom and uses me to soothe, and while I love that, I'm so overwhelmed with the three of these kids I have.

I swore I wanted one more and then we would be done but from about 2 weeks old I could see that my beautiful little son will be a handful, and 4 months later, it's still the case. I'm not sure i want to do this again. I feel like I might be done, but I'm struggling, because I "knew" we would have one more baby. And I really want to try one more time for a little sister, since I have 3 sons, I guess if I'm being honest, that may be the driving force...?

Anyone else have their baby and all your plans go out the window based on the reality of what you're dealing with??

Some similar stories would help me right now. Did you want more and now realize that may not be in the cards for you? 🤦

Here's my little son. God he's so special and gorgeous. It hurts to think he's the last.

Any advice at all is very much appreciated.