Fears of your child being a victim like you.

So my family doesn’t know this but one of our family friends raped me as a child. To be specific it was one of my older sister’s friend. Never told them though. I thought about it but I could never bring myself to do it. Now fast forward I have my first child. A baby girl. Her father and his side stays in another state. Her grandmother constantly asks me when will I let her come out there for at least a week. First off my baby isn’t even one yet so I’m automatically like no. Then they have a habit of getting drunk and fighting then boom her dad ends up getting kicked out. Other than that though I just have this trouble feeling about her uncle. Like I just don’t trust him around my child. I just have this fear that if I send her out there something is going to happen to my baby. It’s really scary honestly , just typing this makes me want to cry. I just wonder how other victims who are now mothers do it?