

So my bf of 4 months says he wants to break up caus he is bored in our relationship? Like I thought everything was going great and then he stopped saying ily and talking to me. He says she wants to take a break at least even if we don't break up ( i feel that is a pre break up tbh) .he says he is just super stressed due to school and money issues and stuff but I feel these are excuses . I told him I was disappointed that he would what to throw our relationship away just cause he was stressed. We are meeting tomorrow to talk in person but I am afraid we are actually going to break up and idk what to do. He can't explain what he means by bored in the relationship either. He says he can't make a decision but I am forcing him to cause this is stressing me out too much . He says he doesn't want to break up and realize he made a mistake later by breaking up but also doesn't what to get a year into the realtionship and no longer have feelings or still be bored which I understand... Idk what I am asking but I. Just confused on what to say to him tomorrow