Daytime sleep issues

Michelle • Baby 💗 born 6/11/17 & 💗 born 8/27/19

I cannot get my 10 week old to nap anywhere else but on me. I have a 2 year old too so this means baby does not nap during the day or it’s quick 20 min naps here and there. Absolutely no schedule at all and it’s driving me crazy. How do you get your baby to sleep in their crib during the day? I’ve tried our nighttime routine, putting her down and she pops up right away. Putting her In her swing, bouncy seat, boppy. Nothing works. I feel she’s not getting nearly enough sleep during the day.. she does well at night sleeping about 10-12 hours with one to two wake ups. Help!! I go back to work in 3 weeks and I want her to be able to nap.