LDR and Depression


I’m currently studying abroad in Europe and my recently things in my relationship have begun to fall apart. He stopped putting in effort, would never compliment me or tell me he missed me, he would get angry at me for not feeling like I was valued and overall he was retracting from me and not acting like he cared about me.

The other night I couldn’t take it and told him that after weeks of fighting this wasn’t working anymore, I couldn’t stay with someone who didn’t value me or even seem to care about me. The next day after no response I messaged him again asking him if he understood that I was done. He basically told me to leave, saying that it seems clear that my mind was made up.

I told him that all I wanted was for him to care about me and fight for me and in that comment he finally confided in me that he hasn’t cared about anything for a while. He’s been extremely depressed and wanted to die on several occasions. I was completely shocked and had no clue. He has told me he hadn’t felt himself lately but neither have I from stress and seasonal depression starting to creep in again. He is barely answering any of my messages and I’m getting concerned.

I know that him isolating himself right now is dangerous but I don’t want to force him to interact with me. Does anyone have advice for how I can help him? I love him and I don’t want to lose him but I don’t know what to do in this situation, I want to do what’s best for him but I’m worried that him isolating himself even more isn’t going to help. I’ll respect his decisions but I’m just really worried and don’t know what to do.