Feeling really down.. Needing advice!

I am 19 years old living with my parents still but I work under the book couple times a week babysitting for some money! I got to buy Everything myself I got to find my own ride to places. I got to go grocery shopping for them when they want me too and I clean around the house every other day but today I came home from my boyfriend’s house and my parents told me that I’m not aloud to sleep over anyone’s house anymore! I’m not aloud until I’m a full time student in college again. I went to college before but i didn’t picked what I wanted my parents did, So I dropped out half way in! My parents were so mad at me and they stopped talking to me.. Every time I get into arguments I get told “ I’m not their kid anymore that I need to find myself my own family cause I ain’t there daughter anymore and that they want me to leave” My life sucks I hate being told what to do and having them say that to me. I hate when people tell me what I can and can’t do! I am not a trouble person at all, I rather stay out of trouble.. My life feels like it’s falling apart where it doesn’t feel like my own life anymore.. I can’t deal with it anymore! I really can’t!! I just tired of everything that goes on but the only time I’m happy is when I’m with my boyfriend, I’m like the happiest person every that I’m with him but I don’t think about what goes on at home.. Does anyone my age went through that or going through that right now? How to deal with everything? I need some advice please