My pregnancy journey: Depressed and Pregnant


Hello ladies,

I would like to share my struggle with depression (12 weeks today). I have a history of depression and anxiety since I was a teenager (I'm 28). Before I got pregnant I was at my worst. I had lost my dream job, moved to a different city with my husband, no social life ( no family/friends in this new city) I was struggling getting a job, I had a drinking problem, and my relationship was slowly crumbling. We wanted to get pregnant but I couldn't so that made me even more depressed. During my darkest hours I prayed for a miracle not sure what I needed in life. Soon after I found out i was pregnant. I couldn't figure out why I was not extremely happy like the rest of the mom's and it added to my guilt. I had been so numb and completely lost my motivation for life. I felt defeated... or I still do. Now with little will I have pushed myself to get help. I finally scheduled an appt for therapy. But most importantly I have given my depression to God. I have Faith that my life has a purpose and my baby is my miracle. It's hard to see it right now bc of my unhealthy mental state I am right now but i am determined to get healthy for my baby. Wanting to lay in bed all day with no desire to do anything and being pregnant is a horrible feeling I wish to nobody. I will update about my status when things get better... I have Faith it will. Best wishes to all of you ❤.