
Well, my story is a bit weird. As a kid I never liked anyone and only dated this one guy who was my best friend through all of elementary and middle school. In 7th grade I met my first gay girl and learned that was a choice and shortly after had a crush on a girl in my grade. From there on I had never found a guy attractive not many crushes but I left it alone because I knew my mom would flip out.

So I left it alone, but as a freshman in high school I forgot. I tried to like guys and thought I liked of you but it never felt genuine. The very last day of my freshman year a girl came and sat in my lap and I remembered everything that I ever gotten. So my friend some to go on Tumblr in thats how I met my first girlfriend. Our connection was an actual connection. The way I felt about her was different from any other crush I thought I had had. She was my first love.

We were on and off for about a year to a year and a half and eventually I got over her. Yet, I was still attracted to girls and they were very pretty and I could see myself with them. Then this past summer I got a job. And on my very first day I saw this boy and I was genuinely attracted to him from the start. That was new for me for obvious reasons because I’ve never found a guy instantly attractive. A few girls in my life, yes but never a guy. (I’m also Demi).

So me and this guy talked but he had a girlfriend. Even though I could tell his heart wasn’t really in it because he liked me too he stayed so I didn’t. I was just going to be friends with him and then his girlfriend blocked me and I didn’t talk for a month and by then his crush on me was gone. I thought my crush was going to until I looked at him one day and said I wanted to kiss him. And we did, after he was single of course. Four times at this point.

Throughout liking him I’m not looking as girls as much but I’m not looking at guys either.

Trying to figure out if he’s worth my time as he talks about other girls and kisses me while having sex with other girls Is a whole nother story but advice is appreciated.

Overall, does this make me bi? Even if my faction of girls to guys is heavily skewed?