GD has ruined my pregnancy


Permit me a rant please!

I know that this will all be worth it once baby gets here, but I wasn't having any trouble with pregnancy until I was diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks. I'm now 38 weeks and will most likely be induced this week due to my baby measuring large.

I learned to cope with not being allowed drink alcohol early on, I adjusted to broken sleep due to hip discomfort. Then to lose the pleasure of food due to GD dietary restrictions sucked. And every week, a new appointment with more failure and bad news. I'm now on metformin & insulin, I'm harvesting colustrum and testing bloods a million times a day and I'm so sick of all of it. Let alone the bloody cost of all the medecine and equipment which is not covered under free antenatal care in Ireland 🙄

I know I am lucky in lots of ways but the last ten weeks have been a misery. At my 37th week, they finally got my slow release insulin at night dose right so my fasting bloods are under control which was the only bloods causing the problem. But even after all that work, the baby is still much bigger than he should be. How???

I don't get to use a birthing pool. I have to be induced (more painful) and squeeze out a huge baby. My poor baby will most likely be hypoglycaemic for a few days. My insurance is affected and I'm more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes in the future. I am overweight and that has been blamed for causing the GD but my skinny, fit sister also had it during pregnancy so most likely genetic. But I get blamed for it by the gp but not her 🤷

Sorry to be so negative but I am just so done.