My Sister is abusive

My sister is extremely toxic to me we always argue and she tries to belittle everything I do and she tries to use all my flaws against me for example I told her I was stressed about being a 1st time parent and she offered no words of advice or help she simply said oh worry about it later and go to church...she knows I’m not religious and still pushes her beliefs on me when I don’t push mine in her ...the conversation ended there but a few days later she said a friend had baby items for me and I could pick them up and once I did I received messages from my sister saying it’s sad I needed help with my baby , that if I went to church God would help me and once again I said I’m not religious and she started saying that’s why you had depression before , that’s why you probably won’t be a good mom and that’s why you we’re stressed go find God after that I blocked her and have spoke but now I don’t want her around my child once he’s born I believe she’s emotionally abusive and toxic and I won’t allow her to hurt my son that way ... I’ve told my boyfriend about this and he agreed that our son shouldn’t be around ... I am thinking I will attend family events once my son is born but soon as my sister shows up we will leave ... I don’t even want her to touch my son this too dramatic ? Do you agree or disagree?