Lost, alone and angry

I have a beautiful,healthy 3 month old baby boy. He was not planned. However when I found out I was preganant I was so scared. I have a horrible realtionship with my family and never really wanted children. I got depressed and even thought about an abortion. But I can not stress enough how much I regret ever feeling like that. A little back story, I am 22 years old. I have been with my son's father for the majority of 8 years. We have our issues and I thought we worked the major ones out before my little man was born. I had a C-Section and was struggling a lot with pain the first week and a half after my son was born. His father was amazing, incredible really. He was so extremly helpful not only with our son but with me as well. He helped me to the bathroom and to get up. He made sure I was as comfortable as possible. He even said i didn't even need to go back to work right away because i wanted to be with my son more.(not tjat we could really afford it) But then things got weird and abouy 3 weeks after my sons birth h3 said we should break up. Then he actually broke up with me after my son turned 2 months old. We still live together because we can not afford otherwise. He has always wanted kids and some days he doesn't even touch out son. No hugs or kisses not even a diaper change. I am hurt not only because of leaving me when I dont want to end things but also because of his seeming lack of affection toward our son. Again, because of my poor realtionship with my family I dont trust most of them. The few memebers I did have a good relationship with seem to be forcing their parenting advice and ideas on me. Not to mention, they whine and complaim about not seeing my son but when I do send photos/videos there is no response on their end. On my sons father side of the family I am increasingly getting more and more greaf from them. They feel I am being greedy when it comes to my son. After I had my son I did get depressed and didn't want to leave the house because I believe most of these family memebers are toxic. I don't want that around my son. Some days are really hard. I get angry with myself for getting frustrated with my sons crying. I feel so alone and lost. All I know is I want better for my son then all this. I just don't know what to do or wherr to go from this point..