Severe anxiety

Does anyone in this group have bad anxiety? Or any insight on how to manage it. I don’t have insurance currently and cant afford therapy. We don’t qualify for any type of assistance.

I have daily panic attacks. I am terrified of things that hang swing or float...examples are ice in drinks, light fixtures, blind cords, boats, anything in a pool, helium balloons...the list goes on. I have always been this way but it has become significantly worse since having my daughter yo the point I cant go anywhere new, I hate leaving the house, Im even afraid of things in my house...I hate being this way but I dont know how to stop it. It feel like a terrible mother because my daughter cant have bath toys or balloons or touch the curtains or I will tailspin.

I don’t really know what the point of this post is, I just read need to get it out so I feel less alone.