Just need to vent

I love my husband but sometimes he’s just so frustrating. I know he tries but we see things so differently especially with money. I might just be blowing this up because I’m annoyed he ruined a dresser I’m refurbishing (he decided it’d be a good idea to drive with the dresser upright and the drawers in. The drawers fell out while he was driving breaking one and denting another.) He’s not very handy so I have to figure out how to fix it. He offer to fix it but in my head I’m like you couldn’t even manage to transport the dresser safely how are you going to fix it now. I know I’m a dick but I was really annoyed. Any who today he keeps saying how he’s going to pick up this video game for tomorrow for him and me (I play video games sometimes) but I’m like we have a crib to buy a second dresser.. my older son needs a new bed and I’d like to set him up in a big boy room. I’ve even made spreadsheets of how much each rooms going to cost. But like if I bring it up he’s like “well I dunno if we really need that.” “That seems excessive” Meanwhile he dropped $300 on a perfume for me and a Clarisonic i casually mentioned wanting. Then he spent $120 on a new game and controller earlier this month... that total is all I wanted to spend on the babies room. I’m grateful he thinks of buying me things I really am but I wish he’d take this while we’re having a new baby thing with more urgency. He’s a great husband and dad but I just get really frustrated and sometimes I feel like I can’t really say anything because I’m SAHM. He never complains if I don’t do everything around the house and he helps me with it if I ask. That’s it thanks for letting me vent.