Dry at night 🌛

Bethany 🇨🇦 • Connor 💙 Sept 4 2019. Lukas 🩵 May 1 2023.

So the last few nights my little guy has *finally* slept for longer stretches! Hallelujah! He's been sleeping 9:30ish until 3ish, then feeds and is back down until 7 or so. (Until last week he was still up every 3 hours!)

My concern is, he used to always have wet diapers during the night. But the last two nights his diaper has been bone dry when he first wakes up at 3am. It's great for me because not having to change his diaper means he falls back asleep quickly after feeding.

Should I be concerned? Anyone else's babe dry through the night?

I should add he is 10 weeks old, EBF, and still plenty of wet and dirty diapers throughout the day.