Fundal Height Measurements ...anyone else way off?


So, interesting situation I’m in right now, wondering if anyone else has experienced this or is in the same boat:

At 22wks I had a high risk ultrasound (I don’t have complications right now— but my first pregnancy I had Pre-E so they’re being extra careful this time around just in case) completed and my baby was measuring ahead, about 2.5 weeks at that point. They said he was measuring about 25 weeks at the time overall and was in the 80-85th percentile for size.

Today, I went in at 26w 5d and my fundal height is measuring at 32 weeks. 5 WEEKS ahead of where I should be. I do not have GD, I have no complications, and my due date definitely isn’t wrong based on when I ovulated— I was tracking like a crazy lady and we missed my ovulation window the month prior to conceiving, so I know I’m not crazy about this.

The doctor is not concerned at all, my vitals are perfect, my glucose is great, so I’m not “worried”, I’m just wondering if I just have a super huge baby or if this is a ‘normal’ thing? My doctor was kind of laughing about me having a very chunky baby (9lbs possibly) this morning and told me that she’s excited to see how far this one might get.

Anyone measuring ahead by that much at this point? My due date is 2/15, but his size is more like he’d be due 1/11! 😫

My first baby was a premie and was 4lbs... what the heck do I do with a hulk baby?! 🤣😂