CT with Contrast

Karley • 31. RN 💉 Married 💍 Grant Michael 💙

I am having a Catscan with contrast done on Monday and I’m exclusively breastfeeding. I have to pump and dump for 24 hours after the test because of the contrast. I have a pump but haven’t had to pump yet, or dump. I will pump tomorrow so I have enough milk for Monday into Tuesday after the test. I’m curious tho, should I pump after I breastfeed? Or maybe pump the opposite breast as I’m feeding ? My baby only feeds off of one breast at a time. And then when I need to pump and dump should I pump on his feeding schedule ? Like every 2-3 hours around the clock? This is seriously stressing me out!! I’ve given the baby breastmilk in a bottle that I express with my haaka pump and he doesn’t take it the best. I’m so nervous to have to do this!!!