Worried 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm a dumb ass

Nicole • Mother of beautiful baby girl Riley🥰 my family of 3

So on Nov 2 I had a hook up with someone I just meet. Really cool and sweet ( we are still seeing each other ) ( very complicated) never took the pill or anything but that was the day I got off my period. Due to PCS I can ovulate during and Riley after my period. A week later I hooked up with my baby daddy the 8th of Nov. Not even 10 hrs later I got the morning after pill. Couple days later I start bleeding for about a week. No I feel nauseated and butterflies in my uterus. It's been almost 3 weeks since my hook up with this dude. Even after all this could I be pregnant with the dude on the 2of Nov ? So confused never had this happen before. Help please