I need a mental break

My husband has been making promises to me and not following through. He also lied to me about something small, but at the time of his lie I was going through something and i was extremely hurt and him lying on top of that didn’t help one bit. So last night he was supposed to call me (he’s away for his job) and he was off so he was available to call me but just didn’t. I feel unimportant to him. He leaves me hanging a lot. Lately I’ve just been telling myself that if he says something, don’t hold him to it because he ends up never doing what he says. I need to be able to rely on him and trust him and him doing this continuously especially while he’s away is just making things worse. Then he comes back after a day or two of not texting me acting like everything is fine and that he can’t wait to be home. He mentions sexual things and when he first left I felt the same. I was excited to have him back but now I am starting to resent him for how he’s treating me and I don’t really want to cuddle or have sex when he comes home. I’m hurt and if I just acted like I’m not I’m not being true to myself. This isn’t something to divorce over so I tried talking to him but nothing. I just don’t know what to do.