Anxiety 😫😫

So last Thursday (33 +5) I went to the OB because I have been experiencing bad itchiness for several days. They ordered tests and just as I was getting ready to leave, I passed out on the table. They call the med team and take me to L&D. Everything came back normal except for my liver enzymes which are a little elevated. They are doing weekly biophysical profiles and bloodwork now. They don’t know what is causing the elevated enzymes and today also ordered a pcr urine test. I’ve also been feeling weak since passing out. I’m so anxious about what is going on and what it means for baby. 😰

Baby is still really high and I get short of breath with everything, even eating. This just seems to feed my anxiety as well. I also can’t seem to focus on work with all of this going on.

Any words of advice or reassurance appreciated.