Y’all I’m dying

Marissa • 02.27.16. 💍|| Braelyn Alia 04/18 || 🌈 Adalynn Mae 03/20 || Collins Claire 05/24 || labor and delivery RN 👩🏽‍🍼||

And I don’t say that a whole lot. I have my first kidney stone of this pregnancy, and I had them biweekly for my entire pregnancy with my daughter. I thought I got lucky this time as I’m 22 weeks but no suck luck. This is the worst ive ever had one. To the point I couldn’t walk it was hurting so bad. I went to triage and they seriously let me roll around and bawl for a hour, before they ever took a urine sample and then another hour before they offered anything for pain. I’ve thrown up everything for the last 7 hours because it hurts so bad then I threw up from the pain meds once they refused to give me zofran. Then they discharged me with a antibiotic to prevent further infection from the stone, Percocet, and zofran but the pharmacy was closed by the time I was discharged so I’m left to hurt. I seriously can’t get comfortable, I feel like I gotta pee every second even though I don’t and barely dribble. I’ve tried a heating pad. I’m currently sitting in a warm bath because it helps the most but omg I’m dying. I’m almost to the point of making my husband take me back but I don’t want to wake our toddler. Send help, because I might die before the morning hours.