Unusual discharge?


I'm 5 months post partum and I got my period back last month, bled for four days which is my normal period length. Then nothing for four days and then another period for four days again. Two of my period tracking apps say I'm 5 days late for my period, one says it's not due for a few more days. I did take a pregnancy test and it was negative as could be. We're not trying to have another just yet but I'm off my birth control because it made me sick after the first shot and made me bleed for 3 months straight. I only had that first dose of the Depo. So my period may or may not be late at this point, but ive had a LOT of egg white cervical mucus that's tinged with pink blood for the past nearly two weeks. It's enough to make me wear a panty liner at all times but it's just BARELY tinged pink. It's super stretchy and thick. No smell or anything from it that Ive noticed, no green or yellow, just a clearish pink color to it. I'm not sure if I need to call my OB? I don't want to overreact, but ive never had CM like this. All of my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period apps</a> say ovulation should definitely be over with at this point, and that's the only time I have CM that even remotely close to this, by it's never been tinged with blood, and it's never been this much either. Anyone know what might be going on?