Just got woken out of my sleep...


By my first kicks !!! OH MY GOSH SHE WONT STOP! I want to cry I’m so happy cause I’ve been waiting.

I am 15+1, and I was switching positions... (I’ve noticed at all my ultrasounds, baby does NOT like being pushed on... she tries to push it off of her every time I get one, or move in the opposite direction!)

Anyways, i like to lay on my stomach but have been settling for side ish stomach so there isn’t pressure on my belly. So I felt what felt like a muscle spasm/twitch? But in my lower abdomen? I’m like half asleep so I’m like thinking that’s weird... Never felt a twitch in my abdomen🧐

I switch sides and it gets worse. I tried rubbing the areas, then realized it isn’t just one area.

So I decide to lay on my back and push on my lower belly with my hand, and the twitches go crazy !! So now I’m like hold on! I think this is baby 👀 I tried switching sides again, and she moved more. I’m like omg it’s her!!!!! Lol now she’s rolling around kicking. It hasn’t stopped in 15 min .

I kind of forget I’m pregnant sometimes because I never really had symptoms lol! So I’m just so filled with joy this morning!!

(mind you I’ve been feeling these twitches for about a week now, but they weren’t so noticeable before and only for a second. It took me a min to realize these were the same as what I felt right now) From my 11 week ultrasound they were saying omg... Your baby is so active for 11 weeks! So this doesn’t surprise me that I’m feeling this early.

My heart is full, Matalia Ivani you are going to be so strong 😍