Third trimester pain? Irish twins? HELP!!


Does anyone else suddenly have this horrible pain/heavy feeling in their uterus? It's down right in between my legs so that it's making it difficult for me to walk. I literally am in tears a few times during the day if I move wrong or walk too quickly. I'm not sure but I think it might be the babys head? Im 32 weeks today. About 2 weeks ago I had my doctors appointment and I was having a few pains like this on and off and I told him about it and he said it is because the babys head is down there... It has since progressively gotten worse and I'm concerned that she's getting so heavy on my uterus and cervix that she's going to make me go into labor early? Help! Am I the only one this is happening to? If not what have you done to ease the pain/ make it easier to walk without feeling like the baby is literally going to fall out?? I have 2 other kids to chase after so it's not like I can just lay in bed all day... (unfortunately lol)

I am also worried because I have heard having babies too close together also causes early labor and I gave birth to my son January 4th 2019 (due date was January 11th) and I am due with my daughter January 13th of 2020. Anyone have Irish twins?? Was the second baby easier to deliver or harder? Did you have the second baby early?

Sorry for all the questions ladies I just need help. 😫