My Fiancé got another interview!

Leah • 5 Angel Babies 👶🏼 🕊 I have hypothyroidism and have had my thyroid removed. Been ttc since 2019.

This is a brag post: So my fiancé worked at his dads company FOREVER. It’s one of the biggest seafood corporations. It goes all across the US. Well he never had a passion to be apart of the business he was kinda forced into working there and on the fishing boats. We talked about it and he ended up putting his two weeks in. It was very stressful and just not what he wanted in life. I am working and everything is fine so I was okay with him putting in his two weeks. He put in applications yesterday and has already got a interview ! I honestly so freaking proud of him 🥰❤️ He’s so excited for the interview and to be doing what he truly loves to do if he gets the job. (Which I have no doubt). We’re currently ttc so he’s been a stickler on making sure he’s working to help stock up little by little every month ❤️😭❤️ and when I had a miscarriage he got me a puppy 😭🥰🐶