Is the condition of my vagina really anyone's business?

My aunt, MIL and a couple of friends keep asking after every doctor appointment how efaced and/or dialated I am. MIL also asks if I get a membrane sweep every time too. Why do people think they are entitled to knowing every aspect of a pregnant woman's body during pregnancy?

I really don't think this information is really anyone's business except me, my husband's and my doctor. I don't really give them a straight answer. I just tell them that the doctor said I'm right on track for delivering on my due date.

The MIL did get the info out of my husband yesterday (probably cuz I wasn't there) and I saw her today and right in front of my SILs BF, she's all "so You're pretty much all the way efaced!! That means dilation is next!! That's so good! That means 10 more centimeters and our baby is here!"

I told her "Yeah, that's generally what happens next..." Like ok, Lady, the whole damn family don't need to know what's going on with my vagina. But thanks for telling me information I already freaking know!

I also really hate when she calls him "her baby" or "our baby" idk why. Just bugs the hell outta me... He mine and my husband's baby, not her's.

Anyway... Rant over thanks for listening... ❤️