23 weeks and baby is in the 8th percentile


We will be having ultrasounds every four weeks to make sure he keeps growing on a good curve, so maybe he is just little genetically.

Some history: My first daughter was born at 36 weeks weighing 4.8lb and they said she started measuring two weeks behind around week 34. When she was born, she wasn’t pale or wrinkly and the cord was plump and shiny, so it wasn’t for lack of nutrition that she was little as it turned out. I was induced due to the sudden and severe onset of preeclampsia despite not having high blood pressure after a 24hr urine collection. My BP wasn’t high per se, but It was relatively high for me at 124/88 whereas I am always around 105/62 or so.

Due to heart defects that run on my moms side of the family, I always have an upper level anatomy scan with Maternal Fetal medicine and a fetal echo to make sure the heart is good. Both my daughter and now my yet to be born son have healthy hearts.

At the ultrasound at 20 weeks he was in the 13th percentile, and this time he had dropped to the 8th percentile. He was just above a pound at 1lb1oz maybe 1lb2oz they said. All the blood flow in the placenta and cord look great and so they don’t see that there is a reason for him to be failing to thrive in utero. I have had a great experience with this specialist. He’s very nice and easy going and not alarmed at all. He says given my husband and my, and even my daughter weight at birth, he thinks this might be normal for this baby. He still wants me to have scans every four weeks to make sure they keep an eye on baby boy’s growth curve, but he’s not worried yet. I trust him, but I am having trouble controlling my mom anxiety as I’m sure many can relate. I can’t help but be paranoid that this might be an early sign of preeclampsia again.

Also I am eating plenty and healthfully. I work out cardio 4 times a week and do body weight exercises and yoga almost daily. I’ve gained 7lbs so far. I don’t count calories. I eat when I’m hungry until I’m satisfied. So they don’t think his weight reflects on me not eating enough etc.

I know this was long but I didn’t want to leave out possibly relevant details.

Anyone else going through this now or even with a past pregnancy?