Strong willed child not sleeping


Does anyone else’s child scream when you put them in a crib or pack and play? I mean scream until they make themselves sick? She literally makes herself throw up. She’s an awful sleeper as it is.... she jerks in her sleep and tosses and turns. It takes forever for me to just get her to go to sleep by rocking or just laying with her at night. She is 11 months old now and I can’t just rock her anymore without her fighting me. She kicks and hits and pushes her bottle away and throws the paci. I feel like at this age I should just be able to put her in her bed and her go to sleep. Naps during the day are hard too. I’ve got to where I can rock her to sleep and then lay her down and she will sleep

Maybe 30min-1 hour. When she wakes up and realizes she’s in the pack and play she is pissed. She never wakes up happy in there. I’ve tried all the different methods and timing the crying and nothing works. She cannot self soothe.... the only thing that calms

Her down is me picking her up. At night when she sleeps with me she wakes up in the middle

Of the night and starts to reach for me. Y’all I’m exhausted... somethings got to give. I don’t know what to do. I’d love to be able to just sleep in my own bed with my husband at night again.