Calling off work for an emergency?

I work two jobs. One is just a weekend job to save extra money, and the other is full time. A month ago I left the full time job basically due to them trying to commit fraud, and I wanted no part in it. I picked up extra hours at my weekend job and was working mostly all the shifts people didn’t want, like Friday and Saturday nights. They were cool with the situation, I’d work as many hours as I could until I found a new job. Since it was only weekends, the only shift they’d have to cover of mine would be the Friday night one.

I found a new job and started this Monday, however when I talked to my part time job last Tuesday when I found out, they weren’t able to find anyone to cover my Friday shifts anymore (I wasn’t really surprised- not many people want to work extra weekend shifts). They told me the best they could do was have me come directly after I finish work and close (so basically an hour later than they wanted me to start). So I’d be working like a 16 hour day, and wouldn’t have any off days for 17 days. I said fine bc I didn’t want to put them in a bind, but changed my future availability to one day a week.

Well, my fiancé’s leg started swelling randomly on Wednesday. It was sore Monday and Tuesday from working out on Sunday, but by Wednesday we knew it was more than muscle soreness bc his one calf had swelled up to almost twice its normal size. My sister is a Physician Assistsnt so I called her, and she was worried it might be a blood clot. He wouldn’t go to the ER until I finally convinced him on Thursday bc it got worse. We went to an express care (that was the most I could convince him to go to bc he didn’t know if his insurance had kicked in yet from his new job). The express care wouldn’t see him bc their machines had broken, and there weren’t any nearby open.

So this morning when we woke up, his leg was turning purple and hurt even worse. I tried to convince him to go to the ER, but he was adamant he didn’t want to miss work and I work too. But he agreed it now was very important to go, so I’m taking him after work. However, that means I have to call the part time job and call off.

I’m worried they’re going to be upset or think I’m making it up. But is it acceptable to call off in this situation?