15 month old sleep regression?


My son has decided to revert back to sleeping like he did when he was a newborn. Waking up every 2 hours 😩 He only wants me to hold him but then squirms out of my arms it’s super frustrating. It would be fine if he just slept in my arms but he won’t even do that. So I’m like ok well maybe he will self soothe to sleep like he normally does, but nope after 20 mins he’s still crying. He has no temperature and does not appear sick at all. We thought oh maybe he’s teething so we tried Tylenol before bed but nope he still woke up screaming after about 2 hours. I work full time and it’s killing me with the lack of sleep I’ve been getting not to mention about a week ago we all had the stomach flu that my 5 year old brought home from school. I’m just tired and I hope this regression doesn’t last long I’m a hot mess lol Anyone’s else?