Momma's I need your help πŸ˜” trigger warning


I need your help πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” my husband's baby mama called us with HORRIBLE news. Keep in mind the child is 6!!!! Freaking 6!!!

They found pictures that SHE took of her cousin (girl) private parts spread out all on the little girls phone. Her mom, her dad, me, AND her mom's girlfriend has all been raped. Me being as long as 14 years. Them just once. How do we do about this?? Her cousins sister got raped by her dad so maybe that's why the sister did that? But my step daughter knows it's wrong. We have talked to her since she was old enough to talk that it's bad. She hasn't been touched because there family is full of nothing but girls. But how would we punish this? She has her dad's additude sadly. Which means she doesn't give a fuck about anything. She's been a rebellion with a nasty additude since she was 4 and it's getting worse. The grandma said counseling but we all been to it and it was worse for us. And she's 6...7in February. We get her on the 11th so her punishment will roll over to here. Her mom took away her phone, toys, TV's, everything! But we think that won't work since she doesn't care. πŸ˜” This is such a surprise to us. She's a only child. I just feel sick to my stomach. I was 3when I started to get touched

Last year we all had a talk because she kept fingering herself at 5 and told us she can do what she wants. She's walked in on her and her mom's girlfriend so she's WELL knowledged