Pregnant and frustrated

So I’m almost 7 weeks pregnant. It wasn’t planned and we were using condoms. Weird I know. We were planning on starting to try for a baby after we bought a house, which we are in the process of, but too late now. I’m very happy that I was even able to get pregnant as I have a few health conditions and thought it would take years. I feel like the first two weeks of finding out he was very supportive and then now he hasn’t been. He makes snide comments about me being pregnant and it hurts my feelings. I have told him it hurts but he continues to do so. I also bought some cloth diapers so he could practice and decide which ones we want to use. I have used them before when I was an OB tech and am very familiar with them and prefer them. When I brought them out he just looked at them and went back to his computer game. Not really the reaction I wanted. We were also trying to figure out what we wanted for dinner as nothing sounded good that we had in the fridge. We finally decided and said he would go to the store. I said ok thank you and I sat down on the couch. He then put his headphones on and started playing a 20 minute YouTube video. I waited 10 minutes to see what he was going to do and after I saw him just sitting there in his pj’s with his headphones on I got frustrated and got up and got dressed. When I asked him if there was anything else from the store that he wanted he said he was going to go to the store and I didn’t have to. I told him it didn’t look like he was going to, he got up and said I’m going. Idk if I’m just overly sensitive because of the hormones and my neurologist has me off of my Wellbutrin.