Need health tips/advice!

Mansi • 25, wife to an amazing human 😍 and a feminist for all 💪🏽✨

Hello! I am a 23 year old female, 5”2, and weigh 182 pounds.

I want to lose weight and need some help from any of you who have been on or are currently on a weight loss journey 😊

I am a vegetarian - I eat dairy (except eggs) and veggies but absolutely no meat and/or seafood. I’m vegetarian first by religion as that is how I was raised and then by choice.

I have eczema and possibly cystic acne but I need to see a dermatologist for a proper skin diagnosis.

I am looking to shed 32 lbs.

I have a retail job so I’m standing/lightly moving 40 hours a week but I am terrified of the gym and I’ve been trying to control my “urges” by cutting back on chocolates and junk food but it’s been tough.

I actually gained 30-ish lbs in the last 2.5 years and I just know in my bones how much happier I was when I was fit and active as opposed to rn when I’m out of breath after running for 30 seconds 🙈 and I feel my depression and anxiety have gotten worse too...

Any and all advice is welcome!