Baby momma drama

I had another psycho event with my boyfriends baby momma. She tried to physically assault me (again) when I was at his house. She's got at least 10 inches and 50 lbs on me and I'm not an aggressive person.

She walked in threw her son on the sofa and broke my boyfriends bedroom door thinking I was in there. She then found me in the restroom and tried to attack me (I was using it before heading home). He managed to get her away from the bathroom but she wouldn't let me out of the house. She started yelling a whole bunch of stuff saying hes messing with her (I dont believe he is because he was with me or working when she said all this happened). I ended up calling the police cuz she said she wasnt leaving or letting me leave(my boyfriend asked her to go multiple times). The officer ended up kicking her out of the house. I'm going forward with getting a restraining order.

I've been with this man almost 6 years (on and off the first few years). But I'm so tired of this. Last time she attacked us when we were asleep she managed to get some skin under her fingernails and pulled hair out and broke my glasses in the process. Is this relationship worth it? I do love him and we have been ttc for a year. I have pcos which is making it harder. He is an amazing dad when given the chance to be. He gave up custody cuz he doesn't want to deal with her. I want him to get visitation or have them over on the weekends(we both work swing so during the week wouldn't work). But he just doesn't want to fight with her anymore. She's turned their daughter against him and last time she was with us she lied just to start drama. I don't know what to do I love this man but hate the drama.