Confused about expected ovulation date

Rebecca :: 👼🏻 👼🏻 👼🏻👶🏼👼🏻🤰🏼

The app keeps changing my expected Ovulation date. Originally it showed ovulation on Sunday the 24th, but every time I have taken a picture of my OPKs, it has moved the date to the following day. Now it’s anticipating ovulation on Thursday. I think my peak was CD34 and since ovulation is 12-36 hours after peak, it’s possible Thursday is my ovulation date (I don’t temp).

Can you guys take a look at these screenshots and confirm if you think my peak already happened? I never got a line as dark/darker than the control line but now it’s clearly tapering off. We BDed 3 days in a row since the app kept changing the ovulation date, so needed to give hubs a break to rebuild supply. Should I keep BDing? Thanks in advance for your advice!