Need advice on burping


So I'm pretty sure my LO has some acid reflux because he spits up quite a bit. I have the slowest flowing nipple on his bottles (he's formula fed), I pace his feedings, and I try to burp him several times throughout his feedings. The problem is that he fights me tooth and nail when I try to burp him 😩. He gets SO pissed off to the point where he's screaming and choking because he's all worked up. I try putting him up on my shoulder to burp, laying him on his tummy across my lap, sitting him upright and patting his back...he fights me on all of it. Furthermore, during the 5% of the time where he will let me burp him, it's like he has to burp so bad and just can't get it out 😢. This causes him to spit up in his sleep, which both makes me feel terrible and freaks me out! I don't know what to do 😢 I'm also keeping him upright atleast 20-30 mins after each feed. Nothing seems to work