You have got to be freaking kidding me...

Guys, I have a terrible MIL. Not just your normal, run-of-the-mill bad in-law. She is pretty terrible. I cordial to her. I send her pictures of our daughter and am kind to her when she reaches out. She lives in Florida, so it’s easy for us to keep our distance.

Not sure if any of you were around for the whole “my husband went to Europe and didn’t tell me saga”...but she was the MIL that lied to me, knowing full well where he was. My husband and I are fine now, but somehow I ended up apologizing to her? She never apologized. Nothing. It’s fine though, I have moved on.

She always puts my husband in a bad mood or males him feel bad. She calls to complain about how poor she is, but she just booked a $7000 cruise to Europe. 🤷🏼‍♀️ She always tells him our daughter is behind developmentally (she isn’t at all!), and makes him worry. Of course, she always has her two cents about my parenting.

My husband calls her last night for something minor. He is trying to get off the phone with her and she literally says, “If I give you $100,000, will you buy a bigger house and let me come live with you?”

I literally laughed out loud. We had always said no parents living with us. Little did I know, he is entertaining the idea! No way, Jose! She is high maintenance. She wouldn’t have any friends here and would rely on us for constant entertainment and she would have something to say about everything.

My husband says he is tired of our house. We have renovated it a lot, but it still needs so much more. He said he wouldn’t mind a move-in ready house, as our house needs endless hours and about $30,000 worth of renovation to be where he wants it. He said we would have to find a house that had a guesthouse for her though, so she could live separately from us.

My mind is blown. I am in this weird place. I feel bad because I know he hates renovating and he puts so much time into it. If he would be happier getting a new home, I should support him. He wouldn’t do it without her $100,000 though. We bought a fixer upper because we wanted the shorter mortgage due to planning to buy a more expensive lake home.

Ughhhh. Thoughts?