My Sister Lost Her Baby

Tiffany • Vegas Native ✨ | LEOW 💙 | Mom of 3 👧🏼👦🏼👧🏼| Home and Natural Birth Advocate 💕

It’s her second loss. They found out yesterday. Would have been their 4th living baby. She’s just waiting on stuff to take it’s course now. I’m so sad. 💔 I’m due any day with my third and I’m not sure how excited to be now. Like I know babies can be healing but I’ve never experienced a loss so I have no idea how to support. I text her I was so sorry she lost the baby, that we’re so sad and that if she needs anything we’re here. She said she can’t wait to hold our next little, I’m hoping it’ll help heal a little bit.

It just sucks. She was so excited when she told us, finally felt like their family was complete. 😭