Why do I feel this way?

I found out 2 days ago that I am pregnant. I felt pregnant, I was getting the usual symptoms, breast tenderness, exhaustion, gas, bloating, etc. I had a chemical last month and I felt my hormones fluctuating after I started bleeding. I got hot flashes and just simply didn’t feel pregnant anymore. Well today I’ve had a burst of energy, I feel less bloated, and I just overall don’t feel pregnant. I’m getting hot flashes like crazy and I’m scared it’s feeling my hcg dissipating. 2 days ago I got my first faint BFP, the next day it was significantly darker, but today it was only slightly darker, it wasn’t anything dramatic so I think that has me nervous because I’m not even due for af yet. I’m not bleeding or anything. I’m not even cramping. Anywhere. No Af like cramps, no backache and I almost feel like that’s just not good. It may sound irrational and I just feel like I need someone to tell me I’m being irrational. Or maybe some hopeful stories. Please.