Male doc and sexual assault


So I chose a female RE because I’m not comfortable with a male doc. I had one for years and he dismissed so many issues and when I saw a female doc I got surgery for my endo within a month...

I have a history of sexual abuse. I was molested as a child and raped as an adult. It was a long time ago and I thought I was over it.

FFW to when I had my saline ultrasound. I walk into my appointment to find that a male doc was going to perform it. I like froze but powered through. He was so kind and i know it’s not his fault that I wasn’t comfortable but damn was I just... triggered. I literally cried in my car after. I never thought I would have this response.

Last week I had surgery and he was with my RE and I told myself it was fine because I wasn’t going to be awake for anything.

What’s the best way to tell my RE that I don’t want to have male doctors work on me? Am I being crazy? Do I have the right to ask? It’s been eating at me so much cause I feel ridiculous making this request...

If I say something would it be better to email her about it or have a face to face convo?