For those who were induced, did u end up needing a C-Section?


I ask because im feeling a bit lost 😢 Im 38+3 and feel like nothing is happening. No braxton hicks, no contractions. No mucus plug, no bloody show. I know im comparing myself to the other women in this group that either have given birth or have experienced these other symptoms, and that i shouldn’t be comparing myself but i find it hard not to. When i was last checked i was closed & high. I scheduled an induction for 41 weeks, we want to give baby to come on his own time & not rush, but we dont want to wait till 42 weeks. I know 38w is still early & things can change from one day to the next but i cant help but feel like my body is lagging behind. Im reading about inductions and they keep saying its not effective & how c-section risk significantly increases. I dont want a c-section unless its absolutely necessary. So now im afraid if i get induced at 41weeks ill wind up with an awful long labor, failed induction & still get a c-section. Anyone have successful stories of being induced when labor did not start on its own? I bounce & rotate on my birthing ball daily, and im still working full time (working till due date) which means taking the train to work so im walking & going up/down stairs. And I dont believe in those old wives tails about at home induction remedies of teas, pineapples, dates, castor oil, etc. So i wont be trying those.

Anyway, thanks in advance for reading this and offering anything. I wish us all a safe & healthy delivery & speedy recovery. Its been super nice seeing everyones cute babies. May God bless them all 🙏 I cant wait to share mine with you all!! ☮️💟

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