I’m terrified of epidurals


So I have a different doctor for this pregnancy and we were going over some basic birth plan stuff. I’m high risk so I can’t deliver in the hospital’s low intervention birthing center like I originally wanted to but that’s fine. I told the doctor I don’t want an epidural, I didn’t have one with my first but I went into very premature labor he was so small so I know this one will probably hurt more. My doctor is very for epidurals but for one thing I don’t like needles, the IV is more needles than I want in me. And two, I hate the idea of not being able to feel a part of my body, that absolutely terrifies me. She will probably keep trying to get me to get one but I my husband is pretty good at shutting people down so if they try to get me to get one I’ll just let him take over and tell them no.