Did anyone else stop working out but feeling the need to get back in the gym now?


I trained hard before I got pregnant. I lifted and boxed, and almost have always had a personal trainer the last few years. However I have lupus (which means I already don’t have much stamina). When I got pregnant I could barely walk from my bed to the couch without getting lightheaded. I didn’t have the energy to even heat my food up in the microwave... I lost weight simply from not having enough energy to even cook or eat.

Now that I’m in my second trimester, a lot of my energy has come back! Doctor had told me from the beginning she wanted me in the gym 4 days a week since I was active before. Especially cause she wants me avoiding preeclampsia . I want to go, but I’m so nervous I won’t be able to do anything or something will happen to baby🥴😩.

I hate to say this but I am terrified I’m going to get bigger again... I’ve never considered my self “fat” but I was very unhealthy and my body was not anyway how I wanted to look. Was very sloppy and the opposite of “fit”. Most of my family is overweight, and I used to be much heavier. I weighed 160 and got down to 130s . And I’m scared that if I don’t workout this pregnancy, that I’ll look exactly how I did before I worked it all off and that scares me because it took years.

Summer 2017-

Larger gut from years of prednisone

Love handles and awkward shape

Back rolls

Summer 2019-

Now 4 months pregnant -

Any tips from ladies who maybe lost weight and then got pregnant? Looking for any advice from anyone who may have the same experience or be experiencing it themselves now? All I care is that my baby is healthy and unharmed, my body is trivial to her, but that being said, I don’t want to go back to how I was. Is that horrible to say? Is dieting while pregnant too extreme? Ugh😩