I’m pregnant and terrified and sad

We tried for 2 years without any positives. Before that I had a loss. Before the loss we didn’t prevent pregnancy but weren’t trying hard to really even get pregnant either but we knew there was a chance it could happen. I underwent <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> and now have a baby I love so so much. We haven’t had much sex but when we did it was early in my cycle and after being diagnosed with hormone issues we weren’t very careful when we should’ve been. I just got a blazing positive pregnancy test. I wanted a couple years to give my attention to my baby... I feel like I have let him down.. we should have been more careful even with my diagnosis... I feel so upset I don’t even want to tell my partner as we haven’t been getting along since our baby has been born. I guess I’m just posting as I feel scared, alone and like I let my little baby down who needs me and my attention. Has this happened to anyone else? Did you feel this way? How did you overcome your feelings?

I’m not for getting an abortion.