At a loss

So I have a couple things going on that are bothering me so this may be long.

I'm really struggling with post natal depression to the point where in thinking about killing myself on the daily but don't think I will do it. I told my boy friend and he said "there's really nothing I can do" but also told me he hates seeing me like this.

I am so stuck on what to do, we are financially struggling and I don't have money for my medication or psych appointments ( already had the Medicare ones this year) .

I'm too scared to go to hospital to seek help in case my son gets taken off me and what my family will think and that I feel like a failure.

My relationship has also been stressful which I'm not sure is to do with my depression or not but I keep thinking about life without my boyfriend but also can't live without him... I sometimes feel like he is my second child and it frustrates me so much, he has health problems and so on and I'm just going to say it he can be lazy but when I bring it up with him he makes me feel horrible about it and I feel like a monster.

I'm just looking to vent or see if anyone has gone through similar at all.

I just don't feel like I can cope any more